I'm Sara Beer

Founder & Owner of The Higher Vibration, established in 2012.


If I could share with you the most important thing about myself and my work, it’s that the basis for all that I do is love, health, and the expansion of awareness.


I’m passionate about heart-based sciences and how our consciousness is so intimately involved in all that surrounds us. I believe that when we come into complete alignment with our heart, purpose, and passion that there is no limit to what we can achieve. I’ve seen it happen time and time again with my clients, and within my own personal experience. It is through this divine alchemy, that we blow our own limits out of the water and rise above.


My professional experience & training:

  • Over 10 years of teaching Meditation worldwide
  • Intuitive Life Coaching with clients worldwide since 2017
  • Facilitating regenerative, in-person Sound Baths every month with specially tuned 432hz crystal singing bowls (and other instruments.)
  • 120+ hours of ICF Wellness Life Coach training
  • Facilitated and taught meditation/sound healing at various locations
  • Helped multiple businesses get their start and their foundations secure in everyday operations, marketing, social media management, creating a company culture with integrity, and more.
  • 120+ hours of Yoga & Meditation Teacher Training in 2016
  • Author of the poetry book “foundations” & the novel “The Immeasurable”

My focus was Psychology in PBSC for my degree, as well as Nutrition. But my love and passion for understanding the qualities of the mind and heart has been a lifelong study.

My path started in 2011 when I suffered from extreme Panic Disorder and couldn’t live a normal existence because of it. After trying multiple forms of conventional medicine (xanax, SSRIs, ect.), I turned to alternative therapies desperate to heal. After exploring a wide range of therapies I found that acupuncture, naturopathic biofeedback, yoga, nutrition, and more had helped me heal in ways beyond my expectations. But above all, meditation is what changed everything for me. Meditation was how I put an end to two panic attacks a day (lasting 30+ minutes each time), every day. I noticed through diligent practice of specific times and sets that my panic attacks had not only diminished but began to disappear entirely.

Once I had healed my Panic Disorder over 6 months of diligent practice, I continued to do my meditation practices (and other alternative therapies). This was when my own spiritual breakthrough occurred. Once I healed the mind and body, then the spiritual aspects began to unfold for me. It was during this journey that I started The Higher Vibration website as a way to document and share what I was experiencing, hoping to help others who were struggling as well. I experienced deep spiritual healing as I moved through the mental and physical healing. I discovered shadow work, emotional processing, and much more through my own journey of healing. It so powerfully transformed my life that it changed the trajectory for me of everything I was doing.

It was through this powerful inner transformation that my desire to help others through a similar journey blossomed for me. I wanted to take all of what I had learned and studied, and share it with the world. It also created a strong desire to continue to learn more about the world of metaphysics, deep integrative health, sound healing, and much more. Since 2012 I’ve been learning, growing, and sharing everything I can to help you wherever you’re at. Building my own personal toolbelt to better assist in whatever way I can.

It is from this space I learned how to truly love myself, stand in my truth, tune inward, and nurture my mind, body, and spirit. It takes creating new habits, rewiring thought patterns, allowing yourself space to feel it all as it comes up, stepping into new belief systems, and more to get the ball rolling.

While I specialize and offer a wide range of things from teaching Meditation, holding Sound Bath events, creating the intentional clothing brand The Higher Vibration, Poetry, Graphic & Design, skin care, hair care, detoxing, diet, exercise, self-care (in all forms), and more…


My greatest passion is meeting you wherever you are at, without any judgement. Helping to lift you up with clarity and passion in your heart to where you truly desire to be.


That is what is what I offer for you here at The Higher Vibration, a space for real inner alchemy to take place. Whether you’re looking to improve your overall relationship with yourself and your life, or get incredible results for your business with heart-aligned branding that connects you even deeper with your clients… or both, either way you’re fully covered here. Be ready to shift in all areas of your life for the better, as this level of support will help you break through ceilings you didn’t even know existed for yourself.

Here’s to you rising higher and connecting deeper to the magnificence that you are.



Sara Beer