& Why It’s Super Important



What a weird word.

     As children we would hear from our parents to, “go outside and play”, what does that even mean?

This means us giving ourselves the permission to go and enjoy being ourselves in the simplest of ways.

For me that definition holds true, but the beauty of it all is that we have our own forms of play and perspective. And somewhere along the way of our lives we felt as if we needed to grow out of this true “playfulness”.

Caught up in the chaos of life and what society expects from us. That it was something left behind at the playground all those years ago, and that now it’s time to ‘grow up’… Because there is no room for the jungle gym (apparently) in real life (wrong).

Unfortunately this is majority of most people’s perspective on the topic of “play”. A lot of us thought that play just needed to evolve towards being more ‘grown up’ in form. For some reason that seemed like it would be more fun to us. This unfortunately ended up getting translated (for some) that this then meant that “adult play” was drinking/partying incessantly (and all the other activities of this nature). This somehow became considered the ‘appropriate’ form of adult “play”, (because god forbid we go out there and enjoy being ourselves just for the sake of fun).

Well I’m here to bust that stereotype wide open, and say it’s good to let your inner child out again. To enjoy the simple pleasures of life that makes you feel happy and alive just because.

Now I know that most of us may have pushed aside this part of ourselves for so long, that it may seem as though we have forgotten even how to play! That somewhere along the way being ‘playful’ became not ‘socially acceptable’. And as a result of this, we may even feel embarrassed to try and play.

(moment of silence for our inner child that’s been sitting in the corner for too long)

Well the good news is that once we get over the mental obstacles of our old synaptic pathway patterning (that is fearing what others will think of us enjoying ourselves, god forbid), it will get much easier.

I know that for myself, caring what others thought of me held me back for a loooong time. I most definetly have been guilty of this myself.

The fear of getting out there and just being silly for the sake of fun scares the crap out of most… Because what if someone were to see! Oh the fear! What would they think??

Relax with it. It’s going to be okay.

Not everyone is out to judge you. And those who do it’s mostly out of their own subconscious jealousy of not being able to let themselves be free like that too. So basically it’s a great strength to be able to allow yourself to get out there and have fun with it all!

Overcome the petty judgments and let your happiness ‘outplay’ your fears of judgment. Practice, practice, practice.


Have more friends in your life who encourage this playfulness.

Spend more time with people who are in touch with their inner child. This will greatly help you become more comfortable with just being yourself, and having fun with whatever comes your way. Their openness inspires your own.


The greatest joy comes from the simplest of things.

Remember the things as a child that used to bring you the most happiness? All the little things that you disregard now? Maybe you loved to climb trees, sing to your own songs, or go for a walk around your backyard or neighborhood? My personal favorite was is to lay in the grass and watch the clouds roll by. It’s these simple things that bring about joy in our lives. Notice they also don’t cost anything? Yes, adopting this habit of simple playfulness can also save you A LOT of money with a much happier outcome.


Finding time to be playful in the workplace.

Because we all have to work and do other things during the day other than  just watching the clouds pass by. Where do we spend most of our time during the week?

For most of us it’s at work or school. So therefore, for more happiness within our lives we must incorporate play into these areas of life as well.

For example, while you are sitting at your desk. Getting creative with your space can easily make things more fun if you are more of the creative type. Maybe start certain silly games with coworkers who are around you while you work, branch out more. Work in the food industry as a waiter? Truly care about the customers and those who are open to it, to go out of your way to have fun with them too. Enjoying conversation with them and joking around a little bit. There’s always room for kindness even in the midst of chaos that is the food industry. There’s always a way to enjoy what you’re doing more, you just have to find it (hint: it’s all about perspective).


The more you practice being playful the easier it will become, and so will life.

It’s through the vehicle of playfulness, that we become in touch once again with the meaning of truly being alive! To experience life in the best ways possible! Because it is through being playful that we become less serious, more joyful, softer in our judgment, and more compassionate towards the happiness of others.

It is through playfulness we become more in touch with our truth.

If you enjoyed this article you can watch the corresponding video I made for it here!

Be more playful with your life and reap the rewards.

Thank you for reading and I love you.

Play on till next time!
