
Man has this past month been a whirlwind for me.

Quite frankly I’m exhausted… But! I’m positive. And I’m not just saying that because we are all expected to be so damn positive nowadays, I’m saying that because I’ve put in the last 6 months of my life for this moment (AND IT’S FINALLY HERE).

I’ve been busy working twelve hour days while trying to pack with any spare time that I have had. I’ve been saving money like a mad woman for my big move on April 11th to Oregon.

So many mixed emotions have been rising to the surface for me this past month. Ranging from extreme excitement to feelings of sadness, knowing that I’m definitely going to miss the beach and my friends/family. But I welcome them all, each and every emotion that arises… Instead of immediately judging these emotions on the spot and attempting to suppress them. I listen to their story all the way through and nurture myself in the process.

For example:

This past week I felt immense sadness when I felt the reality of not being able to see my mom all the time. This is a very real pain, but I had to honor it and know that it has value. So instead of pushing it away with an “I’ll be fine”, I then turned it around to honor it with gratitude. I then began having feelings of extreme gratitude that I not only have a mother, but that I have a mother who I love deeply and actually have a great relationship with. To come full circle I then remind myself that I will come back and visit, it’s not like I’m never coming back again (my mind having to be so dramatic, it’s not always black and white!) This realization calms my nerves and I’m at peace once again without having to suppress the rising emotion.

So this past week has been an extremely powerful time for me to work on how I process my more intense emotions as they come up (It’s been a fun exercise to say the least). I oddly enough really enjoy all these feelings coming to the surface at this time. It really helps me set the stage for what I must heal and release before I start this next phase of my life. The age of suppression is over.

With some help from friends I’ve really begun the work of healing the inner child. And what this means is far more than when you’re being playful with some friends… it goes much deeper than that. But I’ll save those sweet details for another blog post altogether (deserves a whole book series honestly). But the gist of it is by living fully in touch with your inner child you are able to truly heal all of your subconscious issues and live within the purity of your real essence. Now I know that sounds like a bunch of mumbo-jumbo but it’s real (and a little difficult to explain without experiencing it). But I’m now working on a system to help anyone learn how to tap into this and begin the real work. It’s so important for our planet. Because if we can heal, and teach emotional integrity all wars on the planet would stop (both big and small). I know that sounds like a pretty grand statement, but I believe that in the future it will indeed be true. How we handle ourselves and our emotions is how we also handle others and the world. It’s important.

So through inner child work this past month I’ve had more breakthroughs within myself than I have had within the last year (yeah it’s that good). I’ve realized the root of my issues with receiving compliments (wooo! Self worth patterning!), how I don’t have to always be a pillar of independant strength (working as a team? what?? yes), and much more. All by connecting with my inner child and hearing what she has to say. Tears will flow my friends, tears will flow.

I feel that my revival is here (and it’s about damn time).

As I let go of my past and my home town, I create distance (literally all 5,000+ miles of it) from stress of others that isn’t my own. For too long I’ve been pulled around in a thousand different directions trying to constantly appease everyone (especially my own family), and I will no longer do this. They demanded it of me, but I am no longer taking requests. Now this is not to say that I no longer care, etc. etc. etc.

This is to say I have boundaries.

And I am done taking on everyone else’s shit for lack of a better word.

It’s time to focus and fly. We all can.

Here’s to the adventure ahead!

Much love,
