
The very act of letting go.

To remove all the past that you are clinging to.

Giving up the ghost.

Easier said than done.

     The thing is, when we hold onto all these resentments… we hold onto all of that pain. We end up giving all our past hurts permission to set up camp inside our hearts for as long as they please. Pulling at our heartstrings whenever these locked up emotions decide to surface from beneath the murky waters that are our subconscious.

We give these past trapped emotions this power, and it is us that can also be the ones who take it back.

It is often then, and only then, we remember these emotions and their painful memories that they are attached to. When these emotional upsets (triggered by past events) erupt, there are two essential roads you can go down with this sudden acquired information.


  • You can ignore it and repress it. Telling yourself you’ll deal with it another day.

(Or my personal favorite)

  • Tell yourself that this pain was part of your lesson learned and you need it to be who you are today (which is totally unnecessary by the way).


  • Finally start taking steps to heal this past trauma from continuously effecting you from the background of your mind.

The thing is that when we have these emotions blocking certain avenues of our emotional health, it prevents us from further growth in those corresponding areas of our life.

We might not take that job, make that friend, or start that new relationship; because of this shadow figure playing in the background of our minds. That is one reason why it is of the utmost importance for us to begin the healing of these traumas as soon as they come into our awareness.

Simply put, grudges prevents us from self growth. Stunts it! Like cutting off a synaptic branch on the tree that is our mind. Forgiveness is part of the grand scheme of things when looking to expand our awareness and live healthier/happier lives.

Through this energetic release of these past resentments, you will find new space within your heart for love and abundance. More energy will come as a result of this, simply because less of it will be spent focused around the memory and the energy attached to it. Forgiveness opens an energetic artery that allows life to flow back through into the area that was previously dead. This may sound like ‘fluff’, but it is a very real reaction that takes place within when you finally learn to let things go and truly forgive.

No one is perfect and it’s important to remember this when applying it to the people who have hurt you in the past, for we are all flawed. That being said it does not give them an excuse for what they have done (or even what you have done to yourself). But above all, forgiveness is about you healing you.

Next it is important to visualize from their perspective why they did what they did.

Perhaps they were acting out of their own deep rooted insecurities? Their family life was abusive and they simply never learned better because of it? Or maybe they had been so severely hurt and rejected in the past that they reacted the only way they knew how?

The point here being is, that these emotional wounds you have suppressed are a result of another’s wounds. So by holding onto these resentments you are then furthering the cycle of these suppressions. Misery does love company. As a result of this, you may then be negatively impacting others with impulsive actions from those past hurts as well… continuing the cycle.

With this knowledge in mind, you may begin to see just how important it is to begin healing these past grudges.

Healing them not just for your own wellbeing, but for those too around you. If you want to have a positive impact on others lives, then forgiveness should be a top priority in your life and practiced daily. You cannot pour from an empty glass, take care of yourself first. The freedom you grant yourself from letting it all go, goes beyond these words on this page. It is truly something to be experienced. The grace that comes in to fill the previous space.

Forgiveness allows love to flow back into places you might’ve never even knew existed.

My corresponding video for forgiveness is here!

If you feel lost on how to get started with letting some of these things go, my video will help get you started on some different processes to help you heal that can be used at any time.

With much love and appreciation I honor all of you,

Sara 🙂