I have a short, fun story for you today <3

At the healing art center that I’m currently managing, there’s this large picture on the wall of big, beautiful angel wings. And everytime someone is paying for a juice or what not, I’ve noticed people tend to stand in a similar spot. Standing parallel to the giant wings, so it looks as if each customer has large angelic wings behind them (completely unbeknownst to them).

Each time this occurs I can’t help but smile, for me this is a reminder of the divinity that is within all of us that we’re often completely unaware of. And whenever I see this the true meaning of namaste rises as well, acknowledging the light that lives within both of us.

Life often wraps us up in all the external going on around us. With so much constantly going on now more than ever thanks to social media, overstimulation is a repeated issue along with general overwhelm. And one of the major side effects of such constant stimuli is the disconnection with our higher selves, our divinity, that remains present underneath all the layers of distraction.

So the angel wings image at work repeatedly brings me back to this simple, yet powerful truth of who we really are; divine beings of light in physical human form. Which then brings me back to simplicity, joy, and abundance that I know is our true form. And when we bring more awareness to this beautiful truth, we will start to see the reminders all around us more consistently (which will help us reconnect when we’re out in the world in full distraction mode).

So I ask you, if you wish to connect more with yourself and the divine while out in the world, keep your eyes open for the little reminders that are truly hidden everywhere. You may be surprised where you find magic hiding in plain sight in everyday life.

On that note I want to say, I love you and thank you for being here.
The world needs you.
