
Want something fun & new?

Here are 5 ways to get you (+ your friends) out of your typical box of boring, and into something that’s actually fun involving your imagination.


1 . Check out the Aquarium… on multiple floors.

This particular picture happens to take place on the 4th floor. My friends and I definitely agreed that this by far was one of the most amazing sights of the whole museum. You can literally lay back and relax while you watch sharks swim across this massive bubble above you. I truly felt that this place would be a magical spot for those in need of some inspiration of all kinds, it just felt so full of awe. This alone made coming to the museum worth seeing.

Sidenote: The architecture for the museum is truly fantastic I see now why it had cost them 305 million dollars to put it all together.

2 . Design & Fly Your Own Paper Airplane

With a press of a button a burst of air follows and shoots your masterpiece. Either it whizzes off above the bustle of people walking by, or lands flat on the table… it’s up to your mad designing skills. Admittedly mine almost hit someone in the eye. But it was definitely a fun old school game to revisit with the boosted help from technology to really get your ideas off the ground (oh the puns!)

3. Dance On The Touch Sensitive Dance Pad

Of course the moment I saw this I thought about dropping down and doing some Parsva Bakasana (Side Crow Pose). I was so excited I didn’t even bother to remove the hair out of my face. Then we danced, and hopped around for a bit. But I couldn’t help but see this as a perfect photo opportunity to look like I’m opening the portal to Narnia or Atlantis, either way this was really fun experience for some more play! Did I mention I like Scifi? I believe that’s evident now… anyways, moving on. Speaking of Scifi how about….

4. Having Your Face Drawn By A Machine

Now this strange little gem creates creepy/artsy sketched photo of you based on what this computer program (that’s watching you and his name is Paul) thinks you look like. I didn’t participate in this one because it is a very time consuming process, and we were on a specific schedule (with $4 an hour parking we best be getting a move on). But nonetheless was a really cool process to watch unfold. After the drawing is finished you then sign the back of the masterpiece and they hang it up. Pretty nifty i’d say.

5. The Laser Light Show Lessons

Now this room is actually pitch black and in the center is this amazing contraption that is the source of all the lasers. When I went they did a demonstration on how it works, and showed us how the laser colors and movements were altered (it was pretty fascinating). I can only imagine what the real deal light show would look like in there with some Pink Floyd, it must be amazing.

Honorable Mentions:

The Planetarium

Now I’m sure this is probably very cool to watch (think massive Imax Theater if you’re unfamiliar). They have currently either a Meteor or Earth based small film to watch (roughly 45 minutes long). We unfortunately missed this because of a technical difficulty on opening day so we didn’t get to see the show we wanted, perhaps next time! I’m sure it’s worth a watch.

Know Before You Go:

1 . First hour of parking in the parking garage for the museum is $8, and every additional hour is $4 each ( our parking expense for 3 hours came out to $20 after taxes) *It is also worth mentioning it has been a few years since this article was written, so I advise to check out their website for update prices and possible new fees.

2 . Planetarium Shows cost extra on top of regular admission.

3 . Buy your tickets online before you go to skip the massives lines.

4 . Take a walk over to the Art Museum (next door and right when you walk out of the parking garage). There’s a beautiful view and a nice little restaurant called Verde. In fact I would come back just to hangout in the swinging chairs to look at that view (as pictured).

5 . There’s no restaurant in the Science Museum yet, so I suggest fueling up before you head in. There is a snack bar, but that’s all there is at the moment.

I hope that you enjoyed this article & that it serves you well for when you go and explore for yourself!

If you liked this article if you could like & share the love for others to know before they go as well!

With much love till next time,
