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Welcome to The Higher Vibration

Here to support you with your journey on aligning higher, and connecting deeper to your most clear, joyful, healed, and empowered version of you.


I’m Sara Beer,

& I’m on a mission to help make the world a better place through community, connection, frequency healing, emotion education, & expression.


It is my greatest honor and joy to assist you in your personal evolution.


  • Teaching Meditation
  • Sound Healing Facilitator
  • Intuitive Life Coaching
  • Emotion Processing Sessions
  • Day Retreat Facilitator & Speaker

I can support you with how to:

  1. Be present with difficult emotions in the body in order to let them pass through without drowning completely within them.
  2. Shift out of negative mindsets that no longer serve you, and discover where they’re rooted in your consciousness so you can remove them fully.
  3. Reprogram your mind, body, and heart for success that brings forth real fulfillment and wholeness into your life.
  4. Move with more grace through difficult situations without causing an intense emotional response.
  5. And more.

Want inspiration delivered to your mailbox every month?

The Oracle is finally out!

Along side: foundations: poetry for rebuilding a broken heart

Bring both home today.

What makes The Higher Vibration unique?

Complete Integration

Your total wellbeing is always our top priority. We use an integrated approach to our services that takes into account your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual attributes with each and every service. We pay special attention to the details as well as the overall bigger picture of your situation. We set out to raise the bar on incredible customer service, and have you experience being seen on a deeper levels. Here at The Higher Vibration we celebrate you for all that you are and hold you accountable as you spiral up into new, elevated ways of being.

Unity Structures

We’re here to set the bar on new ways to operate within the world. Creating new systems both on the micro and macro level to help us shift into more aligned and joyful ways of living. We’re all about community and true connection here at The Higher Vibration, as well as what it means to prioritize this in everyday life. We specialize in clear communication and emotional intelligence to help create more solid, honest, and transparent systems that pave the way for a better tomorrow.

Soul Alignment

Every article, service, podcast episode, and art piece at The Higher Vibration comes from our core, our soul. Everything is created from the heart with the highest intentions. You can always count on The Higher Vibration to be a place that revels in presence and honors the sacred. A place that doesn’t shy away from vulnerability and transparency, and instead chooses to lead from that space. The Higher Vibration is meant to be a place where we allow our truest selves to be fully expressed, and every component here is dedicated to that purpose.

What You'll Discover Here


Information and services that support you in your own inner and outer journey. How to show up empowered in your life, release old mindsets, create a healthy relationship with your body, live in harmony with your emotions, and feel connected to life on a deeper level.


How to get more involved with your community and spread the positivity in your own city with the #THISISYOURSIGN project. Building community and connection with like-minded people as we start to create new structures for a more sustainable life, one community at a time. Also having lots of fun while we do it!


Articles and posts that will assist you with a wide variety of life situations and issues that occur throughout our human experience. Mindset, Health, Wellness, Emotions, Relationships, Building Community, Healthy Weight Loss, & More.

What People Are Saying

Speaking with Sara for a life coaching session was an awesome experience. She is grounded and calming and is tuned in to the flow of the Universe as to what the person needs in each moment. She speaks from her own experience and utilizes techniques and action steps that help you connect the dots and move forward into your highest version!

- Aviva Gersovitch

She is very uplifting but she also points out exactly what you need to be talking about. She questions your thinking and beliefs in a way that you haven’t even thought about yourself, very interesting and inspirational. I felt so uplifted afterwards and had a clearer picture of where I am right now, where I want to be and what steps could be beneficial for me. Thank you!

- Julia Ju

The coaching session with Sara was very insightful. She gave me confirmation on the things that I was looking for but was afraid to see. It felt good to be seen and supported. Also Sara gave me practical steps I could follow and apply in my day to day life which makes it easy to follow through.

- Frederick Ha

Here for your transformation & healing journey


Lets connect to something deeper.